Clinical and Biochemical Study of Acute Renal failure Disease


  • Zena A.M. Al-Jawadi


A clinical and biochemical study of 60 patients (31 males, 29 females) with
renal failure attending the urological out patients clinic in Al-Zahrawi Teaching
Hospital and Ibn Sena Hospital in Mosul. Every patients was evaluated clinically and
by a chemical laboratory test. The results showed that the period of oliguria : urinary
volume is less than (400 ml/24h) is accompanied by a rise in the serum urea and
creatinine concentration .As showed in this study incidence of acute renal failure
occurs equal in male and female and the incidence occur more often in elderly people
than in children. Finally the Chemical investigations help to determine the severity of
the disease and to follow its course, but do not help much in determining the cause .


