Estimation of the octane number of gasoline using NMR spectroscopy and ethylene dot
Determination of the Octane Number for many commercial gasolines samples of a
known octane number and authentic aromatic was carried out. Aromatic hydrocarbons were
added to improve the octane number. Calculation depend on the multiparametric
regrestional analysis, parameters and the experimental determination of protons from NMR
spectra, symmetry in the system, nature of the mixture and aniline point. The study revealed
that, octane number is affected directly by:
1. Aromatic proton in mono cyclic aromatics.
2. Proton content in α-position and higher protons.
3. Monocyclic Naphthenic proton contents.
4. Octane number decrease by increasing chain length of the substituent attached to
aromatic system.
5. Method of blending gasoline