Synthesis and Characterization Of Some 3-Phenylthio/3-Phenoxyazetidine-2- One: Application of Two Dimensional NMR HMQC 1H-13C, Cosy 1H–1H And Mass Spectroscopy


  • Mahmood Shakir Magtoof
  • Mahmood Shakir Magtoof
  • Z. S. Hassan


This study is concerned with the synthesis and characterization of the
3–phenylthio/3-phenoxyazetidine-2-one 3(a-e). These compounds were prepared by
phenylthio/phenoxyacetic acid (1) with the appropriate Schiff bases 2(a-d) in the
presence of triethylamine with phosphorusoxychloride in dry methylene chloride under
nitrogen atmosphere at 0°C. The active acid chloride reacts with triethylamine to
generate corresponding ketene in situ which further reacts with Schiff’s base to furnish
corresponding 3–phenylthio/3-phenoxyazetidine-2-one 3(a-e) in moderate yields .


