The electrochemical behaviour of zinc electrode corrosion in hydrochloric acid solution


  • Qhatan Adnan Yousif Al-kafaje
  • Farah Safi Khlwy


The effect of 4-amino-2,3dimethyl-1-phenyl 3-pyrazoline 5-one inhibitor at
various concentration on the electrochemical corrosion of zinc electrode in o.1 mol
dm-3 aerated hydrochloric acid solution at over temperatures range from 293.15 K to
313.15K was studied using Potentiostat technique . The percentage of protection
efficiencies were decreased with increasing the various concentration of 4-amino-
2,3dimethyl-1-phenyl 3-pyrazoline 5-one inhibitor and with increased the
temperatures . Thus , the accelerating effect of the extent of 4-amino-2,3dimethyl-1-
phenyl 3-pyrazoline 5-one inhibitor concentration was noticed when the corrosion
current densities (icorr.) became higher as compared with corrosion current densities in
the absence of inhibitor . The kinetics of the corrosion followed Arrhenius type rate
equation . The compensation effect were discussed according to the linear relationship
between the values of Log A and the corresponding values of Ea . Furthermore , The
values of the thermodynamics quantities ( ΔG , ΔH , ΔS ) were estimated and
discussed to enhanced the corrosion inhibition process .


