Estimation Levels of Some Biological Contents of Locally Wild Amygdalus L.


  • Khalid Abdulkareem Mohmmad


Amygdalus, biological contents


The seeds of four species of amygdalus L.named: amygdalus Arabica, amygdalus
orientalis, amygdalus spartiodes, and amygdalus korschinskii were collected during
summer season 2007 from north of Iraq. Their dried stony hulls were removed. The
dried seeds, their oils and proteins and carbohydrates levels were estimated. Ash,
iodine number, and peroxide values were calculated. Data obtained reflects a higher
average of oil percent than the common sources and ranged from 42.8% to 43.9%.
The average values of proteins, carbohydrates, and ash were 33.1%, 17.25%, and
2.28% respectively.
Percent levels of the elements Fe, Cr, K, and Na were found to be of 7.29%, 1.462%,
0.205%, and 0.0215% respectively in amygdalus arabica species.


