Designation of the components of the electrochemical system in the T-417 thermal battery


  • Hadi Muhammad Ali Abboud
  • Falah Hassan Hussein
  • Abbas Abd Ali Derea


The composition two types of T-417 thermal batteries were studied. Battery
cutting has been done by using a circular cutter of leth machine. Some of the battery
components were photographed by using a thermal camera, the rest were drawn in the
forms of illustrative diagrams to identify steps of assembling the battery parts
industrially. These parts have been weighed with an electronically and sensitively
The qualitative analytical methods were used for the determination of the
elements consisting the thermal cell battery as well as it pyrotechnic material.
Different chemical methods have been used for the determination of the percentage of
the investigated elements and instrumentation analytical methods. Atomic absorption
and Atomic emission were also used for the qualitative and quantitative determination
of these elements.
The X-Ray Diffraction method has been also employed to determine the
chemical structure formula of the compounds present in thermal cell and the
pyrotechnic material as well simultaneous.


