A comparative Study of the Determination of Diclofenac sodium in pharmaceutical Formulations by flow injection chemiluminescense and High performance liquid Chromatography


  • Ali Ibraheem Khaleel
  • Suham T. amine
  • Abdul Barry.M. Mahood


This study involves development of a new flow injection
chemiluminescence(FI-CL),andhighperformanceliquid chromatography(HPLC)
methods for the determination of Diclofenac sodium (D.S) in pharmaceutical tablets
Chemilunescence method was based on inhibition of the (CL) of luminolhydrogen
peroxide system catalyzed by cobalt in alkaline medium producing a blue
Luminescence. In the presence of (DS), cobalt (11) reacts immediately with this drug
forming inactive complex preventing the catalytic effect of cobalt (11) Ion. In this
case an inhibition of the (CL) occurs which is proportional to the amount of the drug
added. The linearity of this method was in the range of (0.9858-8.904) μg ml-1 with a
correlation coefficient of 0.9969, a relative standard deviation (RSD) 0.463 %, with
detection limit of (0.410) μg ml-1.
In HPLC method the drug was analyzed by Reverse phase HPLC (Rp-HPLC)
method using a suspect ODSC18 (25 cm × 4.6 mm id )with (5 μm particle size) and
isocratic elution with a mobile phase containing 16% acetonitrile in 0.02M sodium
acetate buffer pH(5.5) at flow rate of 1m min-1 , 20 μl sample loop, temperature 30C0
and the uv-detector was set at λmax 220 nm. The Linearity was in the range of (10-60)
μgl-1 with a correlation coefficient of 0.9945 and the RSD 0.64 %, with a detection
limit 3.4 μg l-1
The two methods have been applied successfully to the determination of (D.S)


